I know who I am
I know who I am
I know who I am
I am yours
I am yours (2x)
And you are mine
Jesus you are mine
You are mine
Jesus you are mine
I was running, and you found me
I was blinded, and you gave me sight
You put a song of praise in me
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!
I was broken, and you healed me
I was dying, and you gave me life
Lord, You are my identity
I know, I know…
I am forgiven, I am your friend
I am accepted, I know who I am
I know who I am
I am secure, I’m confident
That I am loved, I know who I am
I know who I am
I am alive, I am set free
I am alive, I am set free(follow up)
I belong to you and you belong to me
I know who I am
I know who I am
I am yours
I am yours (2x)
And you are mine
Jesus you are mine
You are mine
Jesus you are mine
I was running, and you found me
I was blinded, and you gave me sight
You put a song of praise in me
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!
I was broken, and you healed me
I was dying, and you gave me life
Lord, You are my identity
I know, I know…
I am forgiven, I am your friend
I am accepted, I know who I am
I know who I am
I am secure, I’m confident
That I am loved, I know who I am
I know who I am
I am alive, I am set free
I am alive, I am set free(follow up)
I belong to you and you belong to me
Inteleg ca identitatea mea este Dumnezeu. Eu sunt al Lui, si EL al meu.
Iti multumesc Dumnezeul meu pentru tot ceea ce Tu faci pentru mine, iti multumesc pentru viata care mi-ai facut-o cadou, iti multumesc ca lucrarea mainilor Tale este perfecta, iti multumesc pentru libertatea pe care tu inca mi-o mai lasi, iti multumesc pentru ca atunci cand eram franta si zdrobita Tu mi-ai vindecat ranile si mi-ai pus balsam pe rani, iti multumesc pentru ca ochii Tai sunt tintiti asupra mea, iti multumesc ca Tu esti aerul pe care il respir, Iti multumesc pentru fiecare clipa in care esti alaturi de mine chiar daca eu nu imi dau seama, iti multumesc, iti multumesc, nu am cuvinte sa iti multumesc Iubitul meu Dumnezeu. Te iubesc!
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